Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday's Top Ten

Something I am going to start on this blog is Tuesday's Top Ten! So here it goes!
Top Ten Reasons to Use doTERRA Essential Oils
10. They are an all-natural alternative to living your life.
9. They have a great rewards program!
8. Incorporating the oils in your life makes you feel so healthy and powerful!!
7. Their inventory is continuing to grow which means more possibilities for you!
6. Because everyone else is doing it! (or at least they should be.)  :) Ha ha!
5. You can use them for just about any ailment you might be suffering through.
4. Every single oil is 100% CPTG/Pure!
3. They are good for everyone from ages 0-100 (and even older than that.).
2. All it takes is just one drop.

And the number one reason comes from a fellow oiler...
1. "The people that are using *  doTERRA Essential Oils   *  are experiencing great results, they are empowered by the decision that they made to be an advocate for their families and it is such a great feeling to know that I am part of making a difference in peoples lives!"  
-Vicky from Colorado

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