Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Beginning

I wanted to give you all the story of how I began my journey with DoTERRA essential oils. It started back in February of 2010. I convinced my wonderful cousin to come up to Rexburg for a visit because it had been a long time since we'd seen each other and we had good times growing up. She asked me to host a class for her and I was like, "sure! I love hosting classes and throwing parties!" not even knowing really what the class was for. I had heard a little bit about using natural ways of healing the body, like when you have a cough, eat some honey and lavender is great for relaxing. Stuff like that. I had always been interested in learning more but never had anyone to show me. When my cousin arrived and we got the class going, I became more and more interested! Being a penny pincher and one who hasn't always had insurance, I liked the idea of taking control over my health and that of my family's. She had me convinced by the time she left the next day and I signed up a few days later with DoTERRA. At first, I only used them on myself, still not quite sure of what I was doing and only using the same oils over and over. Within time though, I began experimenting with them and finding how much I LOVE having them in my home! I have now been medicine-free in my home for about 4-5 months, COMPLETELY medicine-free for not only myself, but my husband and kids as well!! I don't cut coupons out for medicine, I don't recommend my hubby takes tylenol for pain and we only go to the doctor for our check-ups! I love the quality and control that essential oils have brought into my home and am excited to share these experiences with all of you!

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